15 March 2018

Lights up the set of “Ballando con le Stelle” – Dancing with the Stars

Lights up the set of “Ballando con le Stelle” – Dancing with the Stars

Show and Perle floor lamps and table lamps by Zafferano-Bespoke Glass Lighting were chosen for the set of the 13th edition of the TV programme “Ballando con le Stelle” on the Italian RAI Uno TV channel. The first of ten episodes was broadcast on Saturday 10 March and the programme will be on TV every Saturday until the end of May, always at 8.35pm, prime time. The popular talent show, where pairs of dancers, comprising a VIP and a dance teacher, compete, is presented by Milly Carlucci, with the participation of Paolo Belli.
In the magnificent 19th century theatre built at the RAI Auditorium at the Foro Italico (Rome), thirteen brave and famous celebrities paired with dance teachers, real stars of the dancing world will compete to arrive in the final that will decide the winning pair.